Commercial Liability Insurance
What are some of the most common "oops" that can cause a lawsuit, and how can commercial liability insurance help?
We all make mistakes, but as a business owner you don't have to put the pieces back alone. We can help protect you from a lawsuit with Commercial Liability Insurance (also known as Business Liability Insurance).
Here are some of the basic lawsuits we can protect you against:
Products and Completed Operations
You work hard to serve your customers well, but sometimes the unexpected happens. Maybe something broke after the fact and now an angry customer is suing you. We can have you covered.
Employment Practices Liability
We all know the adage, "it’s not personal, it's just business." Unfortunately the saying isn't always the reality. We can protect you against wrongful terminations lawsuits.
Data Breach and Cyber Liability
Most of us will be hacked at some point in our life. We can keep a bad situation from becoming worse with professional and legal assistance.
Premises and Operations
Maybe an employee left an extension cord in the hallway and someone fell and injured themselves. Now you have a lawsuit to deal with. We can get you covered.